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City Of Boston Adult

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But Subway is always a fun choice too, in between checking out the 10 x 10 region of Boston!

Dinner at the working McDonalds in Boston.

Junk food ahoy!

Choose 'eating' from the chairs, then touch the burger on the wall or on the table for a burger, don't forget to get a soda!

Magnificent view of the Bay Bridge from one of the Boston Regal flats.

Come rent, make your home here in South Boston! Apartments and homes, more going up all the time. Live in Boston, we'd love to see you here! Find the area from the main TP boards at the Arrival in City of Boston, 'Live in Boston' is at the top!

hop://theegrid.outworldz.net:8002/City Of Boston/821/1369/22
Just opened, apartment living at Boston!

Come rent a flat, 300 prims allowed, enjoy living in Boston with all the wonderful sights and sounds, so much to do! Side windows with great views, tinted for your privacy, you can see out, no one can see in!

Get the Residents Group at the location here.

hop://theegrid.outworldz.net:8002/City Of Boston/821/1369/22
The huge 10 x 10 City of Boston is back online!

Come see this massive sprawling take on the beautiful City of Boston. Horse riding park, incredible maze with City Aquarium within, many places to dine (that work!), ice skating, the Docks, the Bay Bridge, the Saints Preserve, Romeo Beach and the Wetlands, much more!

Come spend a day or night in Boston!

Jupiter Rowland: It's one thing to drop one or several of those typical fast-food restaurants on your sim. It's another to make them usable instead of leaving them as mere decorational props. 4 months ago