Twiztid Timez Welcome Area

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[TTG] First Grid Event

PUTRI SOLO PERFORMING LIVE @ [TTG]Welcome Area Main Stage Saturday, April 20th @ 4pm (OSW,SLT,PST)

THEME: Come as You Are. Venue is G rated. Be sure all your parts are tastefully covered. No NIP SLIPS or Bum Cheeks or you'll be asked to return home to change.

Family friendly LOCATION. That's (don't get creepy), Dinkies & members of the Dinkies Community are all welcome!

Visit for info.

The cat is out of the bag for advertising purposes. We are holding a surprise Birthday Party for our lovely co-creator Faith and you are all invited. Putri Solo will take to the stage between 9pm and 10pm on Saturday February 24th 2024.
All welcome - come along for a fun time of dance, laughter and enjoyment!

Omy2024: Let the party begin! Looking forward to celebrating our much loved friend Faith on Saturday. Damn it we should celebrate her every day! 4 months ago

Last Photo is called "Twiztid Park 2", taken in OMG by Rofellos Kisses from Digiworldz.

Second Photo is called "Twiztid Park", taken in OMG by Rofellos Kisses from Digiworldz.

We got our first set of 3 images from a visitor yesterday! This image is called "Country Garden" and was taken in the Region OMG! The photographer is Rofellos Kisses in Digiworldz and the land is located in Twiztid Timez Grid and was created by Omy Goodness!