

Beautiful Place to shop, really admired the unique set up of the shops, nice quality and neatly organized and labeled. It is worth a trip over here.

8 days ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

So great place and nice Shopping feeling.

1 month ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

Jade Blu
Not a huge place but it does not have to be. Great shopping carefully thought through and laid out. Lovely environment makes it even more enjoyable. Easy to find stuff and the collection of items available is OUTSTANDING! Thank you for a great experience!

5 months ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

LOVED THE MEN CLOTHES!!!! AWESOME! SUPER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

7 months ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

grazie siete dei proprietari molto gentili, sono felice di visitare la tua sim

8 months ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

What a gorgeous little gem to find. I love this place! Great work. Keep it up~

10 months ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

Star Ravenhurst
I went looking for something else and found so much more! Beautiful place, with a smart layout, and some really good stuff I have not seen anywhere else. Sadly, I can only give it 4 stars as there are several items not set up for sale/copy. It deserves 5 stars once this is corrected. Thank you for all the wonderful things I was able to get. Overall, a good shopping experience.

10 months ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

I really like this place! It has a rather deserted feeling to it.. intentionally. It feels to me as if it might be an isolated location in Bavaria for instance. I've never been to Bavaria so this is just a guess on my part. I loved the moss of the wood planks and the trees. It had a darkish depressive air to it. The kind of place that if you stayed in alone for any length of time you would go slightly mad... AND I love the Goth/punk clothing, nails and the RED HAIR...; D Thank you for sharing this unique spot with quality items for us!

1 years ago - mark as helpful (1) - report