Earhart Regional Airport

Earhart Regional Airport
Added by :
Discovery Grid
Created :
4 years ago
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Earhart Regional Airport is an 8x8 region with a large airport found near the center of community oceans of Discovery Grid.

Office Hours in Flight - 5PM (Pacific)
Where: Earhart Regional Airport
When: 3 years ago [11 Aug 2021 17:00 SLT]

I am holding office hours today at 5PM (Pacific), flying in an 8 passenger jet throughout the grid. This is your opportunity to ask questions about problems, make suggestions, find out about projects in the making. Voice chat is via discord in the general channel. Need discord help? Arrive before 5PM. The flight departs at 5:10PM so get there on time: Earhart Regional Airport. We will tour the NW part of the grid, with stops at Artemis, then Whiskey Bay before returning to Earhart.

Discovery Grid Office Hour in Fight
Where: Earhart Regional Airport
When: 3 years ago [11 Jun 2021 17:00 SLT]

Office Hour in Flight
June 11, 5PM to 6PM grid time, region Earhart Regional Airport.
The DiscoveryGrid jetliner is fueled and ready to take up to 9 passengers on a tour of the southern portion of the grid, the 4x4s. During the flight I will hold office hour where passengers ask questions, give suggestions while taking in the sights below us.

The office hour will be in voice chat via Discord. Please have a discord account set up before 5PM as the flight departs at 5:05 sharp. People arriving after departure are welcome to join the conversation! Discord DiscoveryGrid server, the general voice channel.

Every Thursday afternoon, we have a meeting and provide information on how to fly the aircraft scripted by Balpien Hammerer, the owner of the Discovery Grid. Instructors can demonstrate how to control the aircraft and rezzers provide you, to fly the aircraft on your own, or with one of our instructors. The class is just one hour, come visit the grid and experience flying on the millions of open skies on our 8x8 and 4x4 regions

Discovery Flight School
Where: Earhart Regional Airport
When: 4 years ago [27 Aug 2020 13:00 SLT]

Our weekly free Discovery flight school is open again Thursday, traning for the F/A-18 Hornet jets, the commercial Learjet 35, the Falcon trijet, and for Sci-Fi Stargate fans the Goa'uld deathglider. There will be a short ground school training on the controls, then hands on instructor/student dual flight followed after school by you-fly-em tours of the nearby regions in the grid. Watch the vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wY4WqiwhUxs

Over 95% of DG private regions are connected to the community oceans, so these tours can be a lot of fun. No ban lines, just the expanse.

Discovery Grid Community Meeting
Where: Earhart Regional Airport
When: 4 years ago [22 Aug 2020 13:00 SLT]

Come join us in our once a quarter community meeting. The meeting is held in voice though we encourage questions in type chat. NOTE the venue change, the meeting will take place in Earhart Regional Airport. The topics to be covered at the meeting are:
- The pop-up market and survey results
- Flight School project
- Airport project
- Current sponsored events cleanup
- Grid Status
- KHAOS a low lag / fix region crossings AO

If you have something you would like us to cover send a NC to Balpien Hammerer.

Discovery Flight School
Where: Earhart Regional Airport
When: 4 years ago [23 Jul 2020 13:00 SLT]

Our weekly free Discovery flight school is open again Thursday, and this time along with the F/A-18 Hornet jets, we offer training on a commercial Learjet. There will be a short ground school training on the controls, then hands on instructor/student dual flight followed after school by you-fly-em tours of the nearby regions in the grid. Watch the vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wY4WqiwhUxs

Over 95% of DG private regions are connected to the community oceans, so these tours can be a lot of fun. No ban lines, just the expanse.

Discovery Flight School
Where: Earhart Regional Airport
When: 4 years ago [16 Jul 2020 13:00 SLT]

If you attended the July 4th Discovery Grid airshow, you saw high performance F/A-18 Hornet fighter jets doing formation flying. Now you too can fly the civilian version of these jets. But, if that seems daunting, we are offering weekly flight training and you-fly-em tours of the nearby regions in the grid. Over 95% of private regions are connected by the community oceans, so these tours can be a lot of fun. No ban lines, just the expanse.

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