Imagination cruise Ship Adult

Imagination cruise Ship
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4 years ago
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Welcome aboard Imagination cruise ship, grab your room key and enjoy your stay. there is plenty to do, including karaoke lounge and tiki bar. also if you have gloebits you can have fun in the casino

since gloebits are back up and running so is the casino, if you have any problems with any of the games please let me know in game :)

the casino is down until Gloebits can be fixed, sorry for the inconvenience

I apologize for the way it looks. I didn't have a full saved copy and right now wont waste my time fixing it to the way it was as its too much work. I will however get the casino back up and running.

this region and all of eros is offline until further notice, some technical issues are being looked at, hope to have it back up soon

Casino is back up and running

for anyone that has gloebits the casino is temporarily down due to the website being down, I have no idea what is going on but hope its back up soon

Please pardon the dust while I repair the ship. something has happened that made things go out of sync

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