Magical Fairies Pass 4

Magical Fairies Pass 4
Wolf Territories
Added by :
Passion Jumanji
Created :
1 month ago
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This is the place where I have my home farm and I am also making a Sanctuary for extinct & homeless animals that can no longer survive in the wild. So, I have taken them in to live in my Sanctuary where they are free to roam and thrive & produce more of their own kind.
Everyone is free to come visit any time and learn more about extinct animals.
We now have Opensim Fishing here! I will be adding prizes of my own real soon! Come on over & relax & have FUN! ;)

Here is Savannah dancing and listening to Bobby' the AI's stories and poems & Jokes too! ;)

Bobby even does AI Art! ;)

Just ask him to make you a picture of something and he will ;)
Be specific as to what kind of artwork that you would like Bobby to make for you! ;)
You can meet Bobby our AI that will answer all your questions about Wolf Territories! He tells poems, stories, etc! ;)

Bobby is so much fun! He's chock full of information ;)

Bobby will be glad to see you! ;)
This is the new Opensim Fishing area that I just placed here.
You may come on down and try it out for yourself!
Non-monetary SUPER gifts coming your way! ;)

You will notice the Wolf Territories Blimp floating up above.
For your convenience, we have boats out in the water for you to fish in.
There are chairs on the board walk in the center.
If you would like some solitude, thee are stumps and rocks along the edges for you to fish with yourself or a partner or friend.
You can see Bobby our AI that will answer all your questions about Wolf Territories! He tells poems, stories, etc! ;)
Bobby is so much fun! He's chock full of information ;)
There is also a destination board. Just click on that and it will bring you to any destination on Wolf Territories.
Come on over and ENJOY friendship & fun! ;)

Take this link here directly to the fishing area:
hop:// Fairies Pass 4/235/225/23

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