Grid Tumbler Adult


If this isn't the best surfing region ever, it comes close! A bit of psychedellic scooby-doo feel and some awesome boards to hang 10 on! If you love surfing, this should be the place to go and do it! It's an art lover's haven as well, she has so many nice things even to decorate with. Stay for the night sky and see so many amazing stars while gently lollying around on a raft. Definitely a great place for water lovers and explorers, as I have found some nice spots hidden upon exploring. Best part? She keeps making it better and better!

10 days ago - mark as helpful (2) - report

Foxx Bode
Surfs up. You can ride the waves here, or swim below a beautify night sky full of stars. Or cruise around in a paddleboat. Or take a huge zipline across the sea.
Beautiful sim, with loads to do and see. Meanwhile you could even run into me in a certain shop here. Papers, bongs, smokes, pipes. This place is awesome....

6 days ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

Andremus Miklos
Such a great place with cool and original stuff ! Congrats for the amazing art pieces, I like it a lot.

16 days ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

Lynnestra Parker
I had a blast here. Tried my hand at surfing, it was a blast! Lily has art there too. Beautiful pieces. Bring a friend and wear a swimsuit. You will have fun too. :)

6 months ago - mark as helpful (1) - report