integer channel = 68; integer PEG_CHAN=699; integer TIMER_INTERVAL=5; // how often to run the timer integer autoLoadOnReset=0; string LASTNAME="(NPC)"; // Nothing to edit here, see for configuration list availableNames = []; list lastNames = []; // These will be loaded from notecards list wNodes = []; list wLinks = []; list wNodeNames=[]; // list of nodes for the "Flyaround" command list flyTargets = []; list menuItems = ["SaveNPC", "LoadNPC", "RemoveNPC", "RemoveAll", "LoadAll", "ReConfig","InitCmds", "DumpData", "TimerOnOff", "Close"]; string userInputState =""; integer gListener; integer zListener; integer howmany; list avis; integer curVisitors=1; integer deflectToNode = -1; // if set, the NPCs will only run notecards at the specified waypoint list aviUids; list aviNames; list aviNodes; list aviPrevNodes; list aviStatus; list aviFollow; list aviCurrentAnim; list aviPath; list aviAlarm; list aviScriptIndex; list aviScriptText; list aviHttpId; list aviTarget; // user we are interacting with list scriptVars; list aviScriptState; list aviPrompts; list cache; integer aviIndex = -1; list seenArchive; list positionsList; list greetedAvis; integer timerRuns; integer timerRunning; integer curPoint; integer prevPoint; list wayPoints; list wayNames; list wayLinks; list wayKeys; string name; key npc; list candidateNode=[]; string vec2str(vector v) { return "<"+v.x+","+v.y+","+v.z+">"; } string GetLastName(string first) { integer idx = llListFindList(availableNames, [first]); if (idx >=0) return llList2String(lastNames, idx); else return LASTNAME; } key getAgentByName(string firstName) { firstName = llToLower(firstName); list ag = osGetAvatarList(); integer howmany = llGetListLength(ag); integer i; for (i =0; i < howmany; i+=3) { string name = llList2String(ag, i+2); integer sep = llSubStringIndex(name, " "); if (llToLower(llGetSubString(name, 0,sep-1)) == firstName) { return llList2Key(ag, i); } } return NULL_KEY; } string GetScriptVar(string cmd3) { integer i; for (i=0; i < llGetListLength(scriptVars); i+=2) { if (llList2String(scriptVars,i) == cmd3 ) { return llList2String(scriptVars, i+1); } } return ""; // default value; } integer ScriptJump(integer idx, string label, integer complain) { // Jump to a label in the notecard integer foundLine = FindScriptLineAfter(llList2String(aviScriptText,idx), "@"+label,-1); if (foundLine == -1) { if (complain) llOwnerSay("Error: @"+label+" label not found"); return 0; } else { aviScriptIndex = []+llListReplaceList(aviScriptIndex, [foundLine+1], idx, idx); return 1; } } list permList; string permCache; LoadPerms() { permList=[]; permCache = ""; if (llGetInventoryType("__permissions")==INVENTORY_NOTECARD) { llOwnerSay("Loading Permissions..."); list lines = llParseString2List(osGetNotecard("__permissions"), ["\n"], []); integer l; for (l=0;l=0) seenArchive = [] + llListReplaceList(seenArchive, [nm, llGetUnixTime()], fnd, fnd+1); else seenArchive = [] + seenArchive + [nm, llGetUnixTime()]; } } } return nNew; } doLoadNPC(string first, string last) { integer idx =(GetNPCIndex(first)); if (idx >=0) { llOwnerSay(first+ " is already in region, not loading"); osNpcStand(llList2Key(aviUids, idx)); return; } key unpc = osNpcCreate(first, last, llGetPos()+<0,0,3>, "APP_"+llToLower(first), OS_NPC_SENSE_AS_AGENT ); if (unpc != NULL_KEY) doAddNpc(first, unpc); } doAddNpc(string name, string unpc) { llOwnerSay( "Adding '"+name+"'"); aviUids += unpc; aviNames += llToLower(name); aviNodes += 1; aviPrevNodes += 0; aviStatus += ""; aviFollow += ""; aviCurrentAnim += ""; aviHttpId += ""; aviAlarm += -1; aviScriptIndex += -1; aviScriptText += ""; aviTarget += NULL_KEY; aviPath += ""; aviScriptState += ""; aviPrompts += ""; osNpcMoveToTarget(unpc, osNpcGetPos(unpc) + <1,0,0>, OS_NPC_NO_FLY ); } doRemoveNpc(string who) { integer idx = GetNPCIndex(who); if (idx <0) return; key u = llList2Key(aviUids, idx); aviNames = [] + llDeleteSubList(aviNames, idx, idx); aviUids = [] + llDeleteSubList(aviUids, idx, idx); aviNodes = [] + llDeleteSubList(aviNodes, idx, idx); aviPrevNodes = [] + llDeleteSubList(aviNodes, idx, idx); aviFollow = [] + llDeleteSubList(aviFollow, idx, idx); []; aviStatus = [] + llDeleteSubList(aviStatus, idx, idx); aviCurrentAnim = [] + llDeleteSubList(aviCurrentAnim, idx, idx); aviPath = [] + llDeleteSubList(aviPath, idx, idx); aviHttpId = [] + llDeleteSubList(aviHttpId, idx, idx); aviAlarm = [] + llDeleteSubList(aviAlarm, idx, idx); aviScriptIndex = [] + llDeleteSubList(aviScriptIndex, idx, idx); aviScriptText = [] + llDeleteSubList(aviScriptText, idx, idx); aviTarget = [] + llDeleteSubList(aviTarget, idx, idx); aviScriptState = [] + llDeleteSubList(aviScriptState, idx, idx); aviPrompts = [] + llDeleteSubList(aviPrompts, idx, idx); llOwnerSay("Removing "+who + ""); osNpcStand(u); osNpcRemove(u); } doLoadAll() { integer i; for (i=0; i < llGetListLength(availableNames);i++) { doLoadNPC(llList2String(availableNames, i), llList2String(lastNames, i)); } } doInitCmds() { string notecard= "__initcommands"; integer i; for(i=0; i<=osGetNumberOfNotecardLines(notecard); i++) { string line = llStringTrim(osGetNotecardLine(notecard, i), STRING_TRIM); if (llStringLength(line)>0 && line != "") { list l = llParseString2List(line, [" "], []); line = "! "+(string)NULL_KEY+" "+llList2String(l,0)+" "+ line; llOwnerSay("InitCmd="+line); ProcessNPCCommand(line); } } } setVar(string cmd2, string cmd3) { integer i; for (i=0; i < llGetListLength(scriptVars); i+=2) { if (llList2String(scriptVars,i) == cmd2) { scriptVars = [] + llListReplaceList(scriptVars, [cmd3], i+1, i+1); return; } } scriptVars += cmd2; scriptVars += cmd3; } integer RescanAvis() { avis = osGetAvatarList(); howmany = llGetListLength(avis); integer i; for (i =0; i < howmany; i+=3) { if (osIsNpc(llList2Key(avis, i))) { integer sep = llSubStringIndex(llList2Key(avis, i+2), " "); string nm = llGetSubString(llList2Key(avis, i+2), 0, sep-1 ); doAddNpc(nm, llList2Key(avis, i)); } } llOwnerSay(llList2CSV(aviNames)); llOwnerSay(llList2CSV(aviStatus)); return llGetListLength(aviUids); } LoadMapData() { integer tl = osGetNumberOfNotecardLines("__waypoints"); integer i; wNodes = []; for (i=0; i < tl; i++) { string line = osGetNotecardLine("__waypoints",i); list tok = llParseStringKeepNulls(line, [","], []); float x = llList2Float(tok,0); if (x>0) { vector v = ; wNodes += v; wNodeNames += llList2String(tok,3); } } llOwnerSay("loaded "+(string)(llGetListLength(wNodes))+" waypoints"); integer tnodes = llGetListLength(wNodes); wLinks = []; tl = osGetNumberOfNotecardLines("__links"); for (i=0; i < tl; i++) { string line = osGetNotecardLine("__links",i); list tok = llParseString2List(line, [","],""); integer a= llList2Integer(tok,0); integer b = llList2Integer(tok,1); if (a !=b) wLinks += [a,b]; } llOwnerSay("loaded "+(string)(llGetListLength(wLinks)/2)+" links"); cache = []; } integer GetNPCIndex(string name) /// name is in lowercase { return llListFindList(aviNames, [llToLower(name)]); } integer GetWalkTime(float distance) { return llCeil(distance / 1.7); } integer GetNearestNode(vector pos) { integer i; float min = 9999991.; integer l =-1; for (i=0;i < llGetListLength(wNodes); i++) { float dist = llVecDist(pos, llList2Vector(wNodes,i)); if (dist < min) { min = dist; l=i; } } return l; } list foundPaths; // Get path through LSL -- Slow integer GenPaths(integer a, integer tgt, string path, integer depth) { if (depth > 17) { //llOwnerSay("Bailing at " + path); return 0; } integer i; for (i=0; i < llGetListLength(wLinks); i+=2) { integer ca = llList2Integer(wLinks, i); integer cb = llList2Integer(wLinks, i+1); integer fn = -1; if (cb == a || ca == a) { if (cb == a) fn = ca; else if (ca == a) fn = cb; if (llSubStringIndex(path, ":"+fn+":")<0) { if (fn == tgt) { path += ""+fn+":"; foundPaths += (path); return 1; } else { GenPaths(fn, tgt, path+fn+":", depth+1); } } } if (llGetListLength(foundPaths)>30) return 2; } return 0; } string GetGotoPath(integer nodeA, integer nodeB) { integer i; integer ww; string tmpPath = ":"+(string)nodeA+":"; foundPaths = []; GenPaths(nodeA, nodeB, tmpPath, 0); //llOwnerSay(llList2CSV(foundPaths)); if (llGetListLength(foundPaths) ==0) return ""; integer min = 99999; string least = ""; for (i=0; i < llGetListLength(foundPaths); i++) { ww = llStringLength(llList2String(foundPaths, i)); if (ww < min) { min = ww; least = llList2String(foundPaths, i); } } //llOwnerSay(least); return least; } integer GetNPCIndexByUid(key name) { return llListFindList(aviUids, [name]); } string GetScriptLine(string scriptData, integer line) { list scriptLines = llParseStringKeepNulls(scriptData, ["\n",";"], []); return llList2String(scriptLines, line-1); } integer FindScriptLineAfter(string scriptData, string lineToFind, integer afterLine) { integer endIdx; list scriptLines = llParseStringKeepNulls(scriptData, ["\n",";"], []); string toFind = llToLower(lineToFind); integer foundLine = -1; string line; for (endIdx = afterLine+1;endIdx < llGetListLength(scriptLines); endIdx++) { line = llList2String(scriptLines, endIdx); if (llStringTrim(line, STRING_TRIM) == toFind) { foundLine =endIdx; jump _foundIdxOut; } } @_foundIdxOut; return foundLine; } integer FindMatchingEndif(string scriptData, integer afterLine) { integer endIdx; list scriptLines = llParseStringKeepNulls(scriptData, ["\n",";"], []); string toFind = "end-if"; integer foundLine = -1; string line; integer ifLevel=1; for (endIdx = afterLine+1;endIdx < llGetListLength(scriptLines); endIdx++) { line = llStringTrim(llList2String(scriptLines, endIdx), STRING_TRIM); if (llGetSubString(line, 0, 1) == "if") { ifLevel++; } else if (line == "end-if") { ifLevel--; if (ifLevel==0) { foundLine =endIdx; jump _foundEIIdxOut; } } } @_foundEIIdxOut; return foundLine; } integer GetNodeIndexByName(string nodeName) { integer i; nodeName = llToLower(nodeName); for (i=0; i < llGetListLength(wNodeNames); i++) { if (llToLower(llList2String(wNodeNames, i)) == nodeName) { return i; } } return -1; } SetScriptAlarm(integer aviId, integer time) { aviAlarm = [] + llListReplaceList(aviAlarm, [llGetUnixTime() + time], aviId, aviId); } doStopNpc(integer idx, key uNPC) { aviStatus = [] + llListReplaceList(aviStatus, [""], idx, idx); SetScriptAlarm(idx, 0); list anToStop=llGetAnimationList(uNPC); integer stop=llGetListLength(anToStop); while (--stop>=0) { osNpcStopAnimation(uNPC,llList2Key(anToStop,stop)); } osNpcStopMoveToTarget(uNPC); osNpcStand(uNPC); } // Handler for all commands coming from chat integer ProcessNPCCommand(string inputString) { list tokens = llParseString2List(inputString, [" "], []); // first token should be just "!" //llOwnerSay("<<" + inputString); key sendUid = llList2Key(tokens,1); string npcName = llToLower(llList2String(tokens,2)); string name2 = llToLower(llList2String(tokens,3)); //if (npcName != name2) npcName = name2; integer idx = GetNPCIndex(npcName); if (idx <0) { return 1; } key uNPC= llList2Key(aviUids, idx); if (uNPC == NULL_KEY) { return 1; } if (llSubStringIndex(inputString, "$")>=0) //substiute variables { integer i; for (i=4; i < llGetListLength(tokens); i++) { string st = llList2String(tokens,i); if (llSubStringIndex(st, "$")==0) { tokens = [] + llListReplaceList(tokens, [ GetScriptVar(llGetSubString(st,1,-1) ) ], i , i); } } } string cmd1= llList2String(tokens,4); string cmd2= llList2String(tokens,5); list userData; if (sendUid!= NULL_KEY && (llGetAgentSize(sendUid) != ZERO_VECTOR)) { if (!IsAllowed(npcName, cmd1, sendUid)) { llOwnerSay("Denied '"+cmd1+"' to "+(string)sendUid+" "+llKey2Name(sendUid)); return 1; } } if (llList2String(aviStatus, idx) == "prompt") { aviStatus = []+llListReplaceList(aviStatus, [""], idx, idx); // Turn off prompt in sync with the listener if (npcName != name2 ) // it (probably) a response to the prompt, rather than a command given to the npc { integer i; for (i=3; i < llGetListLength(tokens); i++) { if ( llSubStringIndex(llList2String(aviPrompts, idx), "["+llToLower(llList2String(tokens, i))+"]" ) > 0) // label existed in prompt { aviTarget = []+llListReplaceList(aviTarget, [sendUid], idx, idx); ScriptJump(idx, llToLower(llList2String(tokens, i)) , 1); return 1; } } return 1; } } if (cmd1 == "stop") { doStopNpc(idx, uNPC); } else if (cmd1 == "come") { doStopNpc(idx, uNPC); userData=llGetObjectDetails((key)sendUid, [OBJECT_NAME,OBJECT_POS, OBJECT_ROT]); osNpcStopMoveToTarget(uNPC); osTeleportAgent(uNPC, llList2Vector(userData, 1) + <1, 0, 0>, <1,1,1>); if (sendUid != NULL_KEY) // NOTE: a real avatar sent this command - stop processing our script aviScriptIndex = []+llListReplaceList(aviScriptIndex, -1, idx, idx); } else if (cmd1 == "stand") { aviStatus = []+llListReplaceList(aviStatus, [""], idx, idx); osNpcStand(uNPC); osNpcStopMoveToTarget(uNPC); } else if (cmd1 == "moveto" || cmd1 == "movetov" || cmd1 == "runtovr"|| cmd1 == "movetovr" || cmd1 == "flytov" || cmd1 == "runtov" || cmd1=="walk" ) { // Walk to the specified waypoint or vector vector v; string anim =""; // Specify an animation to play while walking if (cmd1 == "runtovr"||cmd1 == "movetovr") { // run to somewhere within the volume enclosed by v1 and v2 vector v1 = (vector) cmd2; vector v2 = (vector) llList2String(tokens, 6); v.x= v1.x + llFrand(v2.x-v1.x); v.y= v1.y + llFrand(v2.y-v1.y); v.z= v1.z + llFrand(v2.z-v1.z); anim = llList2String(tokens, 7); } else if (cmd1 == "movetov" || cmd1 == "flytov" ||cmd1 == "runtov" || cmd1 =="walk") { v = (vector)cmd2; if (v == ZERO_VECTOR) { llOwnerSay(npcName + ": "+cmd2+" is not a good position. I am not going there!"); return 1; } anim = llList2String(tokens, 6); } else v = llList2Vector(wNodes, (integer)cmd2); float dist = llVecDist(osNpcGetPos(uNPC), v); if (cmd1 == "runtovr"|| cmd1 == "runtov") { osSetSpeed(uNPC, 1.0); osNpcMoveToTarget(uNPC, v + <0,0,1>, OS_NPC_NO_FLY | OS_NPC_RUNNING); SetScriptAlarm(idx, (integer)(GetWalkTime(dist)/2.)); } else { if (anim == "") osNpcStand(uNPC); osNpcStopMoveToTarget(uNPC); osSetSpeed(uNPC, 0.5); if (cmd1 == "flytov") osNpcMoveToTarget(uNPC, v + <0,0,1>, OS_NPC_FLY ); else osNpcMoveToTarget(uNPC, v + <0,0,1>, OS_NPC_NO_FLY); if (anim) { llSleep(0.5); osNpcPlayAnimation(uNPC, anim); } SetScriptAlarm(idx, GetWalkTime(dist)); } } else if (cmd1 == "setvar") { string cmd3 = llList2String(tokens,6); setVar(cmd2, cmd3); return 0; } else if (cmd1 == "if" || cmd1 == "if-not" || cmd1=="if-prob") { integer res = 0; if (cmd1 == "if-prob") { if (llFrand(1.0)<(float)cmd2) res = 1; } else if (cmd2 == "name-is") { integer k; res=0; for (k=6; k < llGetListLength(tokens); k++) { if (llToLower(npcName) == llToLower(llList2String(tokens,k))) { setVar("_found", npcName); res=1; } } } else if (cmd2 == "var-is") { integer k; res=0; for (k=6; k < llGetListLength(tokens); k+=2) { string nm = llList2String(tokens,k); if (nm == "") jump varIsBreak; string val = llList2String(tokens,k+1); if (GetScriptVar(nm) == val) res =1; else { res=0; jump varIsBreak; } } @varIsBreak; } else if (cmd2 == "state-is") { // If state-is integer nwho = GetNPCIndex(llList2String(tokens,6)); if (nwho >=0) { string what = llList2String(aviScriptState,nwho); integer k; for (k=7; k < llGetListLength(tokens); k++) { if (what == llList2String(tokens,k)) res=1; } } } if (cmd1 == "if-not") res = !res; integer scrline = llList2Integer(aviScriptIndex, idx); if (scrline <0) { return 1; // wtf } if (!res) { integer foundLine = FindMatchingEndif(llList2String(aviScriptText,idx), scrline-1); /// this used to skip a line if (foundLine == -1) { llOwnerSay("Error: end-if not found afterr "+cmd1 + " "+cmd2 + "..."); } else { aviScriptIndex = []+llListReplaceList(aviScriptIndex, [foundLine+1], idx, idx);// Go past the end-if -- runs notecards faster } } return 0; } else if (cmd1 == "end-if") { // Do nothing return 0; } else if (cmd1 == "prompt") { string prompt = llDumpList2String(llList2List(tokens, 5, -1), " "); aviStatus = []+llListReplaceList(aviStatus, ["prompt"], idx, idx); osNpcSay(uNPC, prompt); aviPrompts = []+llListReplaceList(aviPrompts, [llToLower(inputString)], idx, idx); aviTarget = []+llListReplaceList(aviTarget, [NULL_KEY], idx, idx); osMessageAttachments(uNPC, "prompt", [ATTACH_RIGHT_PEC], 0); } else if (cmd1 == "jump") { // Jump to a label in the notecard ScriptJump(idx, llToLower(cmd2), 1); return 0; // process next cmd immediately } else if ((cmd1 == "go" && cmd2 == "to") || cmd1 == "goto") { // Pathfinding command integer nearest = GetNearestNode(osNpcGetPos(uNPC)); integer foundId =-1; if (cmd1 == "goto") { foundId = (integer) cmd2; } else { string where = llToLower(llStringTrim(llList2String(tokens,6) +" "+ llList2String(tokens,7) +" "+ llList2String(tokens,8), STRING_TRIM)); integer i; if (where != "") foundId = GetNodeIndexByName(where); if (foundId <0) { list tmp; for (i=0; i < llGetListLength(wNodeNames); i++) if (llList2String(wNodeNames,i) != "") tmp += llList2String(wNodeNames, i); osNpcSay(uNPC, "Sorry i dont know how to get to the "+where+ ". Here's some of the places i know: " +llList2CSV(tmp)); return 1; } } osNpcSay(uNPC, "Let me think... "); string cachekey = "f,"+(string)nearest+","+(string)foundId; string gotoPath =""; integer fidx = llListFindList(cache, [cachekey]); if (fidx>=0) { gotoPath = llList2String(cache, fidx+1); } else { gotoPath = GetGotoPath(nearest, foundId); if (gotoPath != "") { cache += cachekey; cache += gotoPath; } } if (gotoPath == "") { osNpcSay(uNPC, "I 'm dumb. i don't know how to get there ... "); return 1; } osNpcSay(uNPC, "If you want to go there, follow me."); SetScriptAlarm(idx, 0); aviPath = []+ llListReplaceList(aviPath, [gotoPath], idx, idx); aviStatus = []+llListReplaceList(aviStatus, ["pathf"], idx, idx); } else if (cmd1 == "setpath") { //Path must be in format 2:4:63:22:1 where the numbers are the waypoints numbers aviPath = []+ llListReplaceList(aviPath, [cmd2], idx, idx); SetScriptAlarm(idx, 0); aviStatus = []+llListReplaceList(aviStatus, ["pathf"], idx, idx); } else if (cmd1 == "waitvar") { // Wait until the value of variable named cmd2 reaches the value cmd3 string cmd3 = llList2String(tokens,6); string vval = GetScriptVar(cmd2); if (vval == cmd3) { return 1; /// OK continue with the next line } else if (cmd3 == "NONEMPTY" && vval != "") { return 1; } integer scriptIndex = llList2Integer(aviScriptIndex, idx); if (scriptIndex>0) { aviScriptIndex = []+llListReplaceList(aviScriptIndex, [scriptIndex-1], idx, idx); } } else if (cmd1 == "increase" || cmd1 == "decrease" || cmd1 == "zero") { integer v = (integer)GetScriptVar(cmd2); if (cmd1=="increase") v++; else if (cmd1 == "decrease") v--; else v=0; setVar(cmd2, (string)v); return 1; } else if (cmd1 == "wait") { integer tm = (integer)cmd2; integer tm2 = (integer)llList2String(tokens,6); if (tm2>0) tm = (integer)(tm + llFrand(tm2)); SetScriptAlarm(idx, tm); } else if (cmd1 == "say" || cmd1 == "shout") { // Say something on chat string txt = ""; integer i; for (i=5; i < llGetListLength(tokens); i++) txt += llList2String(tokens,i) + " "; if (cmd1 == "shout") osNpcShout(uNPC, 0, txt); else osNpcSay(uNPC, txt); return 0; } else if (cmd1 == "saych") { // Say something on channel string txt = ""; integer i; for (i=6; i < llGetListLength(tokens); i++) txt += llList2String(tokens,i) + " "; osNpcSay(uNPC, llList2Integer(tokens,5), txt); } else if (cmd1 == "loadnpc") { doLoadNPC(cmd2, llList2String(tokens, 6)); } else if (cmd1 == "removenpc") { doRemoveNpc(cmd2); } else if (cmd1 == "exec") { list tok2 = ["!", (string)NULL_KEY, cmd2] + llList2List(tokens, 5, -1); //llOwnerSay(llList2CSV(tok2)); ProcessNPCCommand(llDumpList2String(tok2, " ")); } else if (cmd1 == "msgatt") { list points = []; integer i; for (i=6; i < llGetListLength(tokens); i++) { if (llList2Integer(tokens, i)>0) points += llList2Integer(tokens,i); } osMessageAttachments(uNPC, cmd2, points, 0); } else if (cmd1 == "teleport") { vector w = (vector) cmd2; if (w == ZERO_VECTOR) { integer where = GetNodeIndexByName(cmd2); if (where >=0) { w = llList2Vector(wNodes, where); osTeleportAgent(uNPC, w, <0,0,0>); } } else osTeleportAgent(uNPC, w, <0,0,0>); } else if (cmd1 == "use") { // Sit-on-a-poseball command string cmd = llStringTrim(cmd2+" "+llList2String(tokens, 6)+" "+llList2String(tokens,7), STRING_TRIM); osMessageAttachments(uNPC, "do "+cmd, [ATTACH_RIGHT_PEC], 0); } else if (cmd1 == "lookat") { vector v; if (cmd2=="me") { userData=llGetObjectDetails((key)sendUid, [OBJECT_NAME,OBJECT_POS, OBJECT_ROT]); v = llList2Vector(userData,1); } else { v = (vector)cmd2; if (v == ZERO_VECTOR) { integer midx = GetNodeIndexByName(llToLower(cmd2)); if (midx >=0) { v = llList2Vector(wNodes, midx); } } } osNpcSetRot(uNPC, llRotBetween(<1,0,0>, v-osNpcGetPos(uNPC)));//llEuler2Rot(<0,0,ang>)); } else if (cmd1 == "anim") { osNpcStopAnimation(uNPC, llList2String(aviCurrentAnim, idx)); aviCurrentAnim = llListReplaceList(aviCurrentAnim, [cmd2], idx, idx); osNpcPlayAnimation(uNPC, cmd2); } else if (cmd1 == "give") { if (llGetInventoryType(cmd2) == INVENTORY_OBJECT) llGiveInventory(sendUid, cmd2); } else if (cmd1 == "light") osMessageAttachments(uNPC, "light", [ATTACH_RIGHT_PEC], 0); else if (cmd1 == "sound") osMessageAttachments(uNPC, "sound " + cmd2+" "+llList2String(tokens, 6) , [ATTACH_RIGHT_PEC], 0); else if (cmd1 == "batch") { // Run multiple commands from the chat, separated by ";" --- replaces any running script string str = llDumpList2String(llList2List(tokens, 5, llGetListLength(tokens))," "); aviScriptText = []+llListReplaceList(aviScriptText, str, idx, idx); aviScriptIndex = []+llListReplaceList(aviScriptIndex, [1], idx, idx); aviStatus = []+llListReplaceList(aviStatus, "", idx, idx); SetScriptAlarm(idx, 0); } else if (cmd1 == "follow") { aviStatus = []+llListReplaceList(aviStatus, ["follow"], idx, idx); if (cmd2=="me" || cmd2=="") { userData=llGetObjectDetails((key)sendUid, [OBJECT_NAME,OBJECT_POS, OBJECT_ROT]); aviFollow = []+llListReplaceList(aviFollow, [(key)sendUid], idx, idx); osNpcSay(uNPC, "Following you "+ llList2String(userData, 0)); } else { key who = getAgentByName(cmd2); if (who != NULL_KEY) { aviFollow = []+llListReplaceList(aviFollow, [who], idx, idx); osNpcSay(uNPC, "Following " + cmd2); } } } else if (cmd1 == "set-state") // set a variable that indicates the current state of an NPC -- useful for scripts { aviScriptState= []+llListReplaceList(aviScriptState, [cmd2], idx, idx); return 0; } else if (cmd1 == "debug") { integer dd = llList2Integer(aviScriptIndex, idx); string scr; if (dd >=0) { scr = GetScriptLine(llList2String(aviScriptText,idx) , dd-1); } llOwnerSay("Status="+llList2String(aviStatus, idx)+" node = "+llList2Integer(aviNodes, idx)+ " follow="+llList2String(aviFollow, idx)+" Alarm = "+(string)(llList2Integer(aviAlarm,idx)-llGetUnixTime())+ " scriptIndex="+llList2Integer(aviScriptIndex, idx)+" scriptText " +scr ); } else if (cmd1 == "fly" && cmd2=="with") // "fly with me" "fly with Foo" { string who = llList2String(tokens, 6); if (who == "me") { aviFollow = []+llListReplaceList(aviFollow, [(key)sendUid], idx, idx); } else { key w = getAgentByName(who); if (w != NULL_KEY) { aviFollow = []+llListReplaceList(aviFollow, [w], idx, idx); } } aviStatus = llListReplaceList(aviStatus, ["flyfollow"], idx, idx); osNpcSay(uNPC, "Flying "); } else if (cmd1 == "leave") { // Start wandering between waypoints osNpcStand(uNPC); aviNodes = []+llListReplaceList(aviNodes, [GetNearestNode(osNpcGetPos(uNPC))], idx, idx); aviStatus = []+llListReplaceList(aviStatus, ["wander"], idx, idx); aviPrevNodes = []+llListReplaceList(aviPrevNodes, [-1], idx, idx); } else if (cmd1 == "flyaround") { // Start flying about between the waypoints in the "flyTargets" list -- useful for birds aviStatus = []+llListReplaceList(aviStatus, ["godfly"], idx, idx); osNpcSay(uNPC, "Flying like an eagle!!"); } else if (cmd1 == "run-notecard") { // Run the script contained in the notecard string stext= osGetNotecard(cmd2 ); aviStatus= []+llListReplaceList(aviStatus, "", idx, idx); if (stext == "ERROR") { llOwnerSay("Notecard error "+cmd2); return 1; } aviScriptText = []+llListReplaceList(aviScriptText, stext, idx, idx); aviScriptIndex = []+llListReplaceList(aviScriptIndex, [1], idx, idx); SetScriptAlarm(idx, 0); } else if (cmd1 == "stop-script") { // Stop executing the script and exit aviScriptIndex = []+llListReplaceList(aviScriptIndex, [-1], idx, idx); SetScriptAlarm(idx, 0); } else if (cmd1 == "dress") { string suff = ""; if (cmd2 != "") suff += "_"+cmd2; string nm = llList2String(aviNames, idx); llOwnerSay("Loading appearance "+"APP_"+nm+suff); osNpcLoadAppearance(uNPC, "APP_"+nm+suff); } else if (cmd1 == "touch") { osNpcTouch(uNPC, (key)cmd2, LINK_ROOT); } else if (cmd1 == "seen") { integer i; if (cmd2 == "all") { for (i=0; i < llGetListLength(seenArchive); i+=2) osNpcSay(uNPC, "I saw "+ llList2String(seenArchive,i) + " " + TimeAgo(llList2Integer(seenArchive,i+1) )); return 1; } else { for (i=0; i < llGetListLength(seenArchive); i+=2) { if (llSubStringIndex(llToLower(llList2String(seenArchive,i)), llToLower(cmd2))>=0) { osNpcSay(uNPC, "I saw "+ llList2String(seenArchive,i) + " around " + TimeAgo(llList2Integer(seenArchive,i+1) )); return 1; } } } osNpcSay(uNPC, "I haven't seen "+ cmd2 + " around"); } else if (cmd1 == "nearest") { integer n = GetNearestNode(osNpcGetPos(uNPC)); osNpcSay(uNPC, "Nearest waypoint is #"+n); } else if (llGetSubString(cmd1,0,0) == "@") return 0; else if (cmd1 != "") { { if (llGetInventoryType(cmd1+".scr") == INVENTORY_NOTECARD) { ExecScriptLine(npcName , "run-notecard "+cmd1+".scr"); } else llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, -1, inputString, uNPC); } } return 1; // 1 means that wait until next timer tick for next notecard command } integer FindNewTarget(integer curNode, integer prevNode) { integer total=llGetListLength(wLinks); candidateNode = []; integer i; integer a; integer b; for (i=0; i< total; i+=2) { a = llList2Integer(wLinks,i); b = llList2Integer(wLinks,i+1); if (a == curNode && prevNode != b) /// dont go back where we came from candidateNode += b; else if (b == curNode && prevNode !=a) candidateNode += a; } integer l = llGetListLength(candidateNode); if (l>0) { return llList2Integer(candidateNode, (integer)llFrand((float)l)); } else return prevNode; // go back to where we came from if there is no other option } integer MoveToNewTarget(integer idx) { integer curNode = llList2Integer(aviNodes,idx); integer prevNode = llList2Integer(aviPrevNodes,idx); key uuid = llList2Key(aviUids, idx); if (uuid == NULL_KEY) return 1; vector pos = osNpcGetPos(uuid); osNpcStand(uuid); vector wp = llList2Vector(wNodes, curNode); float dist = llVecDist(pos, wp); if (dist>10) osTeleportAgent(uuid, wp, <1,1, 7.1>); integer nt = FindNewTarget(curNode, prevNode); if (nt <0) return 0; vector tgt = llList2Vector(wNodes, nt); // Try to stay in the right 'lane' vector rr = 0.5*llVecNorm(tgt - pos)*llEuler2Rot(<0,0,-PI/2>); tgt += rr; osSetSpeed(uuid, 0.5); osNpcMoveToTarget(uuid, tgt, OS_NPC_NO_FLY); SetScriptAlarm(idx, GetWalkTime( llVecDist(wp, tgt) )+4); aviNodes = []+llListReplaceList(aviNodes, [nt], idx, idx); aviPrevNodes = []+llListReplaceList(aviPrevNodes, [curNode], idx, idx); return 0; } integer ExecScriptLine(string aviName, string scriptline) { // The token list expects the name of the avi twice. we use 0000 as the sending-uid identifier string command = "! "+ (string)NULL_KEY +" " + aviName +" "+ aviName +" "+ scriptline; // list tokens = llParseString2List(command, [" "], [] ); return ProcessNPCCommand(command); } string TimeAgo(integer time) { // time difference in seconds integer now = llGetUnixTime(); integer timeDifference = now - time; // small bug fix for when timeDifference is 0 if (timeDifference == 0) return "just now"; list periods = ["second", "minute", "hour", "day", "week", "month", "year", "decade"]; //the number equivalent to periods list lenghts = [1, 60, 3600, 86400, 604800, 2630880, 31570560, 315705600]; integer v = llGetListLength(lenghts) - 1; integer no; while((0 <= v) && (no = timeDifference/llList2Integer(lenghts, v) <= 1)) --v; string output = llList2String(periods, v); //this will get the correct time in periods, then divide the timeDifference integer ntime = timeDifference / llList2Integer(lenghts, llListFindList(periods, [output])); //if integer 'no' is not equal to 1 then it should have an s at the end if(no != 1) output += "s"; //This produces the finished output output = (string)ntime + " "+ output + " ago"; return output; } giveCommands(integer n) { integer i; string lstr = ""; string kstr = ""; list lnks; for (i=0; i < llGetListLength(wayLinks); i+=2) { integer a = llList2Integer(wayLinks,i); integer b = llList2Integer(wayLinks,i+1); if (a == n) { lstr += (string)b+","; lnks += (string)llList2Key(wayKeys,b); } else if (b == n) { lstr += (string)a+","; lnks += (string)llList2Key(wayKeys,a); } } string wstr = (string)n+"|SETDATA|"+vec2str(llList2Vector(wayPoints, n)); wstr += "|"+llList2String(wayNames, n)+"|"+lstr+"|0|"+llList2CSV(lnks); //llOwnerSay(wstr); llRegionSay(PEG_CHAN, wstr); } default { state_entry() { llSetText("NPCs", <1,1,1>,1.0); llListenRemove(gListener); gListener = llListen(channel, "", "", ""); llOwnerSay("Listening on channel "+channel); ReloadConfig(); LoadMapData(); timerRuns=0; RescanAvis(); greetedAvis = []; scriptVars = []; if (autoLoadOnReset) { llSleep(10); doLoadAll(); llSleep(10); // Need to wait for their listeners attachments to start doInitCmds(); llSleep(10); } llSetTimerEvent(TIMER_INTERVAL); } touch_start(integer num) { if (llDetectedKey(0) != llGetOwner()) return; llDialog(llGetOwner(), "Welcome", menuItems, channel); } // This checks the statuses of all avis and performs commands accordingly timer() { integer total = llGetListLength(aviUids); integer g; integer advanceScript; list startedScripts = []; if (curVisitors>0) for (g=0; g < total ; g++) { advanceScript =0; aviIndex = g; npc = llList2Key(aviUids, g); string status = llList2String(aviStatus, g); if (status == "follow" || status == "flyfollow") { // This NPC is following someone integer stat=llGetAgentInfo(npc); if (stat & AGENT_SITTING) { // We 've been sat. stop following return; } key who = llList2Key(aviFollow, g); list userData = llGetObjectDetails(who, [OBJECT_POS, OBJECT_ROT]); if (llGetListLength(userData) ==0) { // User left or died aviStatus= []+llListReplaceList(aviStatus, [ "" ], g, g); return; } rotation rot = llList2Rot(userData,1); float ang = llFrand(1.0); vector v = llList2Vector(userData,0) + <-1.9,0,0>*rot; float dist = llVecDist(osNpcGetPos(npc), v); if (status == "follow" && dist>50.) { osTeleportAgent(npc, v, <1,1,1>); } else if (dist>4) { //osNpcStopMoveToTarget(npc); if (osIsNpc(who)) osSetSpeed(npc, .47); else osSetSpeed(npc, 1.0); if (status == "flyfollow") osNpcMoveToTarget(npc, v+<0,0,2.>, OS_NPC_FLY ); else osNpcMoveToTarget(npc, v, OS_NPC_NO_FLY ); } } else if (status == "wander") { if (llGetUnixTime() > llList2Integer(aviAlarm, g) +1) { integer curNode = llList2Integer(aviNodes, g); integer i; integer shouldMove =1; llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, -1, "WAYPOINT " + (string)curNode+" "+llList2String(aviNames, g), npc); // avoid looping back to the same script while we are about to leave if (llList2Integer(aviPrevNodes, g)>=0) { if (llListFindList(startedScripts, curNode)>=0) { // dont start the same script simultaneously } else { string ncName = "_"+curNode+".scr"; if (llGetInventoryType(ncName) == INVENTORY_NOTECARD) { startedScripts+= curNode; ExecScriptLine(llList2String(aviNames, g), "run-notecard "+ncName); shouldMove =0; } } } if (shouldMove>0) { MoveToNewTarget(g); } } } else if (status == "godfly") { // This NPC is flying around if (llGetUnixTime() > llList2Integer(aviAlarm, g) +1) { vector nd = (vector)llList2String(flyTargets, (integer)llFrand(llGetListLength(flyTargets))); integer flag = OS_NPC_FLY; osSetSpeed(npc, 0.5); integer theight = 10; vector p = osNpcGetPos(npc); SetScriptAlarm(g, GetWalkTime(llVecDist(p, nd))/2); osNpcMoveToTarget(npc, nd + , flag); } } else if (status == "pathf") { // Pathfinding - this NPC is following the path to a destination integer avits = llList2Integer(aviAlarm, g); if (llGetUnixTime() > avits) { vector p = osNpcGetPos(npc); string path = llList2String(aviPath, g); llOwnerSay("Path="+path); list pnodes = llParseString2List(path, [":"], []); if (llGetListLength(pnodes)<1) { osNpcSay(npc, "I have arrived"); aviStatus = []+llListReplaceList(aviStatus, [ "" ], g, g); // continue the script (if any), since we reached our destination SetScriptAlarm(g, 0); } else { integer nextTgt = llList2Integer(pnodes, 0); string ndleft = ":"+llDumpList2String( llList2List(pnodes, 1, llGetListLength(pnodes)), ":"); aviPath = []+llListReplaceList(aviPath, [ ndleft ], g, g); vector v = llList2Vector(wNodes, nextTgt); SetScriptAlarm(g, GetWalkTime(llVecDist(p, v))); osNpcMoveToTarget(npc, v + , OS_NPC_NO_FLY ); } } return; } else if (status == "prompt") { // do nothing jump nexttick; } // Execute the next script line if a script is active integer stopNow=0; integer k; integer scriptIndex = llList2Integer(aviScriptIndex, g); while ( scriptIndex>0 && stopNow==0 && k++<5) // execute up to 10 lines at once if possible { //llOwnerSay("scriptIndex = "+ (string)scriptIndex); integer tsAlarm = llList2Integer(aviAlarm, g); if (tsAlarm >0 && llGetUnixTime() >= tsAlarm ) // The script should continue now { string scriptData = llList2String(aviScriptText, g); string scriptline = GetScriptLine(scriptData, scriptIndex); if (scriptline == "") // End of script { // This will prevent any further execution aviScriptIndex = []+llListReplaceList(aviScriptIndex, [-1], g, g); } else { // Substitute sender with the prompt target, if any string cmd = "! "+ (string)llList2Key(aviTarget, g) +" "+ llList2String(aviNames, g) +" "+ llList2String(aviNames, g) + " "+ scriptline; stopNow = ProcessNPCCommand(cmd); // Advance script pointer scriptIndex = llList2Integer(aviScriptIndex, g); aviScriptIndex = []+llListReplaceList(aviScriptIndex, [scriptIndex+1], g,g); } } scriptIndex = llList2Integer(aviScriptIndex, g); } @nexttick; llParticleSystem( [ PSYS_SRC_PATTERN,PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_EXPLODE, PSYS_SRC_BURST_RADIUS,0, PSYS_SRC_ANGLE_BEGIN,0, PSYS_SRC_ANGLE_END,0, PSYS_SRC_TARGET_KEY,llGetKey(), PSYS_PART_START_COLOR,<1.000000,0.000000,0.000000>, PSYS_PART_END_COLOR,<1.000000,0.000000,0.000000>, PSYS_PART_START_ALPHA,1, PSYS_PART_END_ALPHA,0, PSYS_PART_START_GLOW,0, PSYS_PART_END_GLOW,0, PSYS_PART_BLEND_FUNC_SOURCE,PSYS_PART_BF_SOURCE_ALPHA, PSYS_PART_BLEND_FUNC_DEST,PSYS_PART_BF_ONE_MINUS_SOURCE_ALPHA, PSYS_PART_START_SCALE,<0.500000,0.500000,0.000000>, PSYS_PART_END_SCALE,<4.000000,4.000000,0.000000>, PSYS_SRC_TEXTURE,"", PSYS_SRC_MAX_AGE,0.5, PSYS_PART_MAX_AGE,2, PSYS_SRC_BURST_RATE,1, PSYS_SRC_BURST_PART_COUNT,1, PSYS_SRC_ACCEL,<0.000000,0.000000,0.000000>, PSYS_SRC_OMEGA,<0.000000,0.000000,0.000000>, PSYS_SRC_BURST_SPEED_MIN,0, PSYS_SRC_BURST_SPEED_MAX,0, PSYS_PART_FLAGS, 0 | PSYS_PART_EMISSIVE_MASK | PSYS_PART_INTERP_COLOR_MASK | PSYS_PART_INTERP_SCALE_MASK ]); } timerRuns++; if (timerRuns%20==0) { curVisitors = countVisitors(); } } listen(integer chan, string name, key id, string str) { // WARNING "id" is not the uid of the NPC-sender string mes = str; integer x = llSubStringIndex(str, " "); if (x >=0) mes = llGetSubString(str, 0,x-1); if (!(osIsNpc(llGetOwnerKey(id)) || llGetOwnerKey(id)==llGetOwner())) { llOwnerSay("Denied access to "+llKey2Name(id)); return; } //llOwnerSay("<<" + str); if (mes == "!") // Something that has been sent from a Listener of attached to an NPC { ProcessNPCCommand(str); return; } else if (mes =="FBALL") { // A poseball has been found. We have to check if it is transparent. If it is not, then we sit the NPC on it list tok = llParseString2List(str, [" "] , [""]); string npcname= llList2String( tok, 1); integer idx = GetNPCIndex(npcname); if (idx<0) return; key unpc = llList2Key(aviUids, idx); integer i; key ball; for (i=2; i < llGetListLength(tok);i++) { ball = llList2String(tok, i); list prop = osGetPrimitiveParams(ball, [PRIM_COLOR, 0]); /// This only works we own the poseball float alpha = 1.0; if (llGetListLength(prop)>0) alpha = llList2Float(prop, 1); if (alpha >0) { jump ballFound; } } //llOwnerSay(npcname + ": All balls transparent"); @ballFound; if (ball != NULL_KEY) { osNpcStand(unpc); osNpcStopMoveToTarget(unpc); osNpcSit(unpc, ball, OS_NPC_SIT_NOW); aviStatus = []+llListReplaceList(aviStatus, ["sitting"], idx, idx); } } else if (mes == "SETVAR") { list tok = llParseString2List(str, [" "] , [""]); setVar(llList2String(tok,1), llList2String(tok,2)); } else if (llGetSubString(mes, 0, 7) == "CLICKED|")// Message from map editor HUD { list ll = llParseString2List(str, ["|"] ,[]); string cmd1 = llList2String(ll, 0); integer num = llList2Integer(ll, 1); if (curPoint!= num) { prevPoint = curPoint; curPoint = num; } list btns = ["Close", "LinkPegs", "UnlinkPegs", "SetName"]; llDialog(llGetOwner(), "Current peg: "+ (string)curPoint+ " Previous: "+(string)prevPoint, btns, channel); return; } else if (llGetSubString(mes, 0, 6) == "MRKKEY|") { list ll = llParseStringKeepNulls(str, ["|"] ,[]); integer num = llList2Integer(ll, 1); key k = llList2Key(ll, 2); wayKeys = [] + llListReplaceList(wayKeys, [k], num,num); } else if (llGetSubString(mes, 0, 6) == "MARKER|") { list ll = llParseStringKeepNulls(str, ["|"] ,[]); string cmd1 = llList2String(ll, 0); integer num = llList2Integer(ll, 1); vector pos = llList2Vector(ll, 2); key tk = llList2Key(ll, 4); wayPoints = llListReplaceList(wayPoints, [pos], num,num); return; } else if (mes == "ShowPegDialog") { list btns = ["Close", "RezPegs", "SaveCards", "AddPeg", "DeletePeg", "LinkPegs", "UnlinkPegs", "ScanPegs", "ClearPegs", "SetName"]; llDialog(llGetOwner(), "First peg: "+ (string)curPoint+ " Second peg: "+(string)prevPoint, btns, 68); return; } if (id != llGetOwner()) return; // Admin commands follow if (mes == "SaveNPC") { llDialog(llGetOwner(), "Select NPC to save your appearance", llList2List(availableNames, 0,10)+ "more", channel); userInputState = "WAIT_APPNAME"; } else if (mes == "LoadNPC") { llDialog(llGetOwner(), "Select an NPC to load", llList2List(availableNames, 0,10)+"more", channel); userInputState = "WAIT_AVINAME"; } else if (mes == "RemoveNPC") { llDialog(llGetOwner(), "Select an NPC to delete", llList2List(availableNames, 0,10)+ "more", channel); userInputState = "WAIT_REMOVEAVI"; } else if (mes == "UpdateNPC") { llDialog(llGetOwner(), "Select an NPC to re-save appearance ", llList2List(availableNames, 0,10)+"more", channel); userInputState = "WAIT_UPDATE"; } else if (mes == "RemoveAll") { avis = osGetAvatarList(); llSay(0, llList2CSV(avis)); howmany = llGetListLength(avis); integer i; for (i =0; i < howmany; i+=3) { if (osIsNpc(llList2Key(avis, i))) { list p = llParseString2List(llKey2Name(llList2Key(avis,i)), [" "], []); doRemoveNpc(llList2String(p, 0)); //osNpcStand(llList2Key(avis, i)); //osNpcRemove(llList2Key(avis, i)); } } aviUids = []; aviNames = []; } else if (mes == "LoadAll") { llSetTimerEvent(0); doLoadAll(); llSetTimerEvent(TIMER_INTERVAL); } else if (mes == "InitCmds") { llSetTimerEvent(0); doInitCmds(); llSetTimerEvent(TIMER_INTERVAL); } else if (mes == "TimerOnOff") { timerRunning = !timerRunning; llSetTimerEvent(TIMER_INTERVAL*timerRunning); llOwnerSay("Timer="+(string)timerRunning); } else if (mes == "DumpData") { llOwnerSay("Names="+llList2CSV(aviNames)); llOwnerSay("Status="+llList2CSV(aviStatus)); llOwnerSay("Nodes="+llList2CSV(aviNodes)); llOwnerSay("PrevNodes="+llList2CSV(aviPrevNodes)); llOwnerSay("ScriptIndex="+llList2CSV(aviScriptIndex)); llOwnerSay("Alarm="+llList2CSV(aviAlarm)); llOwnerSay("Curvisitors="+(string)(curVisitors)+ " Timer=" +timerRunning+" timerRuns="+(string)timerRuns); llOwnerSay("Vars="+llList2CSV(scriptVars)); } else if (mes == "ReConfig") { ReloadConfig(); LoadMapData(); } else if (mes == "deflectTo") { list tok = llParseString2List(str, [" "] , [""]); deflectToNode = GetNodeIndexByName(llToLower(llList2String(tok,1))); llOwnerSay("Deflecting to #"+(string)deflectToNode); } else if (mes == "AddPeg") { vector v = llGetPos(); list res = llGetObjectDetails(llGetOwner(), [OBJECT_POS]); wayPoints += llList2Vector(res, 0); llOwnerSay("Added point " + (string)(llGetListLength(wayPoints))); llRezObject("peg", v, ZERO_VECTOR, ZERO_ROTATION, llGetListLength(wayPoints)-1); giveCommands( llGetListLength(wayPoints)-1); return; } else if (mes == "LinkPegs") { integer i; for (i=0; i < llGetListLength(wayLinks); i+=2) { integer a = llList2Integer(wayLinks,i); integer b = llList2Integer(wayLinks,i+1); if ((a == curPoint && b == prevPoint ) || (b == curPoint && a== prevPoint )) { llOwnerSay("Link exists"); return; } } wayLinks += curPoint; wayLinks += prevPoint; giveCommands(curPoint); giveCommands(prevPoint); } else if (mes == "UnlinkPegs") { integer i; for (i=0; i < llGetListLength(wayLinks); i+=2) { integer a = llList2Integer(wayLinks,i); integer b = llList2Integer(wayLinks,i+1); if ((a == curPoint && b == prevPoint ) || (b == curPoint && a== prevPoint )) { wayLinks = llListReplaceList(wayLinks, [], i, i+1); giveCommands(a); giveCommands(b); } } } else if (mes == "ClearPegs") { llRegionSay(PEG_CHAN, "die"); } else if (mes == "ScanPegs") { llOwnerSay("Scanning pegs ordered"); llRegionSay(PEG_CHAN, "REPORT"); } else if (mes == "SetName") { llTextBox(llGetOwner(), "Set Peg #"+(string)curPoint + " name to: ", channel); userInputState="WAIT_PEGNAME"; } else if (mes == "RezPegs") { list lines = llParseString2List(osGetNotecard("__waypoints"), ["\n"], []); integer i; wayPoints =[]; wayNames = []; for (i=0; i < llGetListLength(lines); i++) { list line = llParseString2List(llList2String(lines, i), [","], []); vector v = < llList2Float(line, 0), llList2Float(line, 1), llList2Float(line, 2) >; string nname = llList2String(line, 3); if (v != ZERO_VECTOR) { wayPoints += v; wayNames += nname; } } wayLinks = llParseString2List( llStringTrim(osGetNotecard("__links"), STRING_TRIM) , ["\n", ","], [" "]); llOwnerSay(llList2CSV(wayLinks)); llRegionSay(PEG_CHAN, "die"); llSleep(0.5); vector pos = llGetPos(); for (i=0; i < llGetListLength(wayPoints); i++) llRezObject("peg", pos, ZERO_VECTOR, ZERO_ROTATION, i); llSleep(0.5); for (i=0; i < llGetListLength(wayPoints); i++) giveCommands(i); } else if (mes == "UpdatePegs") { integer i; for (i=0; i < llGetListLength(wayPoints); i++) giveCommands(i); } else if (mes == "SaveCards") { integer i=0; string scriptText = ""; if (llGetListLength(wayLinks)==0) { llOwnerSay("No links created! Not saving cards!"); return; } for (i=0; i < llGetListLength(wayPoints); i++) { vector v = llList2Vector(wayPoints,i); scriptText += (string)v.x+","+(string)v.y+","+(string)v.z + "," + llList2String(wayNames, i) + "\n"; } string cardName = "__waypoints"; if (llGetInventoryType(cardName)==INVENTORY_NOTECARD) { llRemoveInventory(cardName); llSleep(0.5); } osMakeNotecard(cardName,scriptText); llOwnerSay(cardName +" Saved"); cardName = "__links"; if (llGetInventoryType(cardName)==INVENTORY_NOTECARD) { llRemoveInventory(cardName); llSleep(0.5); } scriptText = ""; for (i=0; i < llGetListLength(wayLinks); i+=2) scriptText += llList2String(wayLinks,i)+ ","+llList2String(wayLinks,i+1)+ ",\n"; osMakeNotecard(cardName,scriptText); llOwnerSay(cardName +" Saved"); llSleep(1); LoadMapData(); } else if (userInputState != "" && mes != "")// Process dialog commands { if (mes == "more") { llDialog(llGetOwner(), "Select an NPC", llList2List(availableNames, 11,-1), channel); } else { if (userInputState == "WAIT_APPNAME") { osAgentSaveAppearance(llGetOwner(), "APP_"+llToLower(mes)); llSay(0, "Saved Appearance " + llGetOwner() + " -> APP_"+llToLower(mes)); } else if (userInputState == "WAIT_PEGNAME") { wayNames = [] + llListReplaceList(wayNames, [llStringTrim(mes, STRING_TRIM)],curPoint, curPoint); giveCommands(curPoint); llOwnerSay("Waypoint " +(string)curPoint+ " name='"+mes+"'"); } else if (userInputState == "WAIT_AVINAME") { doLoadNPC(mes, GetLastName(mes)); } else if (userInputState == "WAIT_UPDATE") { integer idx = GetNPCIndex(mes); if (idx >=0) { key uu = llList2Key(aviUids, idx); osNpcSaveAppearance(uu, "APP_"+llToLower(mes)); llOwnerSay("Updating APP_"+llToLower(mes) ); } else llOwnerSay("Not found "+mes); } else if (userInputState == "WAIT_REMOVEAVI") { doRemoveNpc(mes); } userInputState=""; } } } link_message(integer lnk, integer num, string command, key npc) // This script is in the object too. { if (num != -1) // -1 means we sent it { ProcessNPCCommand(command); } } changed(integer change) { if (change & (CHANGED_REGION_START | CHANGED_OWNER | CHANGED_REGION)) { llResetScript(); } } }